The objective of this lab course is to give students a hands on experience in audio processing. Requirements are a solid mathematical background, a good understanding of fundamentals in digital signal processing, as well as a general background and personal interest in audio. Furthermore, experience with PYTHON and NUMPY is required. Experience with the R Programming language is benefitial (beginners tutorial is provided in the course material). The lab course is supervised by members of the AudioLabs team.
Registration via StudOn is required for this lab. Registration is open from 30.09. - 06.10.19 (First Phase) and from 09.10. - 13.10.19 (Second Phase). For an overview of this course, click here. For questions, please contact Sebastian Rosenzweig.
The lab consists of six mandatory parts:
one introductory meeting on Friday, October 18 2019, 16:15, Room 3R4.04 (AudioLabs)
five lab units (4 hours each) in Room 3R3.06 (P1, LIKE):
Lab 1: Short-Time Fourier Transform and Chroma Features
22.10.2019: 12:00 - 16:00
25.10.2019: 13:15 - 17:15
Supervisors: Sebastian Rosenzweig, Michael Krause
(link:/fau/professor/mueller/teaching/2019w_apl/1_stft/stft_and_chroma_features.html text:Instructions (HTML Export))
Lab 2: Speech Enhancement Using Microphone Arrays
05.11.2019: 12:00 - 16:00
08.11.2019: 13:15 - 17:15
Supervisors: Adrian Herzog, Wolfgang Mack
(link:/fau/professor/mueller/teaching/2019w_apl/2_speechenhancement/SE_LAB.html text:Instructions (HTML Export))
Lab 3: Virtual Acoustics (Fast Convolution)
12.11.2019: 12:00 - 16:00
15.11.2019: 13:15 - 17:15
Supervisors: Carlotta Anemüller, Niklas Winter
(link:/fau/professor/mueller/teaching/2019w_apl/3_convolution/convolution.html text:Instructions (HTML Export))
Lab 4: Statistical Methods for Audio Experiments
26.11.2019: 12:00 - 16:00
29.11.2019: 13:15 - 17:15
Supervisors: Alexander Adami, Pablo Delgado
(link:/fau/professor/mueller/teaching/2019w_apl/4_statsmethods/statsmethod.pdf text:Instructions (PDF))
Lab 5: Speech Analysis
10.12.2019: 12:00 - 16:00
13.12.2019: 13:15 - 17:15
Supervisors: Ning Guo, Esther Feichtner
(link:/fau/professor/mueller/teaching/2019w_apl/5_speechanalysis/LabCourse_SpeechAnalysis.pdf text:Instructions (PDF))