@inproceedings{anemuller_binaural_2024, title = {Binaural {Rendering} of {Heterogeneous} {Sound} {Sources} {With} {Extent}}, booktitle = {{IEEE} {International} {Conference} on {Acoustics}, {Speech} and {Signal} {Processing} ({ICASSP})}, author = {Anemüller, Carlotta and Thiergart, Oliver and Habets, Emanuël A. P.}, month = apr, year = {2024}, note = {to appear}, }
@inproceedings{anemuller_neural_2023, title = {Neural {Audio} {Decorrelation} {Using} {Generative} {Adversarial} {Networks}}, url = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10248167}, doi = {10.1109/WASPAA58266.2023.10248167}, urldate = {2023-12-19}, booktitle = {{IEEE} {Workshop} on {Applications} of {Signal} {Processing} to {Audio} and {Acoustics} ({WASPAA})}, author = {Anemüller, Carlotta and Thiergart, Oliver and Habets, Emanuël A. P.}, month = oct, year = {2023}, note = {ISSN: 1947-1629}, file = {IEEE Xplore Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\anm\\Zotero\\storage\\MIV79MEY\\Anemüller et al. - 2023 - Neural Audio Decorrelation Using Generative Advers.pdf:application/pdf;IEEE Xplore Abstract Record:C\:\\Users\\anm\\Zotero\\storage\\4A9RQLTS\\10248167.html:text/html}, }
@article{anemuller_efficient_2023, title = {Efficient {Binaural} {Rendering} of {Spatially} {Extended} {Sound} {Sources}}, volume = {71}, url = {https://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=22131}, abstract = {In virtual/augmented reality or 3D applications with binaural audio, it is often desired to render sound sources with a certain spatial extent in a realistic way. A common approach is to distribute multiple correlated or decorrelated point sources over the desired spatial extent range, possibly derived from the original source signal by applying suitable decorrelation filters. Based on this basic model, a novel method for efficient and realistic binaural rendering of spatially extended sound...}, language = {English}, number = {5}, urldate = {2023-05-09}, journal = {J. Audio Eng. Soc.}, author = {Anemüller, Carlotta and Adami, Alexander and Herre, Jürgen}, month = may, year = {2023}, pages = {281--292}, }
@article{anemuller_data-driven_2022, title = {A {Data}-{Driven} {Approach} to {Audio} {Decorrelation}}, volume = {29}, issn = {1558-2361}, doi = {10.1109/LSP.2022.3224833}, journal = {IEEE Signal Processing Letters}, author = {Anemüller, Carlotta and Thiergart, Oliver and Habets, Emanuël A. P.}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Time-frequency analysis, Decorrelation, Neural networks, Training, Convolution, Time-domain analysis, deep learning, Audio signal decorrelation, convolutional neural networks, Correlation}, pages = {2477--2481}, file = {IEEE Xplore Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\anm\\Zotero\\storage\\AYLHZWP8\\Anemüller et al. - 2022 - A Data-Driven Approach to Audio Decorrelation.pdf:application/pdf;IEEE Xplore Abstract Record:C\:\\Users\\anm\\Zotero\\storage\\P36YUDAD\\9964070.html:text/html}, }
@inproceedings{anemuller_sector-based_2022, title = {Sector-{Based} {Parametric} {Sound} {Field} {Reproduction} in the {Circular} {Harmonic} {Domain} {Using} {Covariance} {Based} {Rendering}}, doi = {10.1109/IWAENC53105.2022.9914761}, abstract = {Parametric spatial audio rendering approaches are able to reproduce a recorded sound scene with high perceptual quality. Most approaches, however, assume a sound field model of a single plane wave plus a diffuse field component, an assumption which is often violated. Therefore, a sector-based reproduction method operating on higher-order spherical harmonic domain signals has been proposed. This paper provides an adaptation of this method to the circular harmonic domain. Furthermore, objective and subjective evaluations are performed, to identify particular strengths and weaknesses of the proposed method.}, booktitle = {International {Workshop} on {Acoustic} {Signal} {Enhancement} ({IWAENC})}, author = {Anemüller, Carlotta and Thiergart, Oliver and Habets, Emanuël A. P.}, month = sep, year = {2022}, keywords = {Array signal processing, Conferences, Spatial audio, Harmonic analysis, Parameter estimation, Rendering (computer graphics), circular harmonics, circular microphone array processing, Parallel processing, parametric sound field reproduction}, file = {IEEE Xplore Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\anm\\Zotero\\storage\\MKDLVKMS\\Anemüller et al. - 2022 - Sector-Based Parametric Sound Field Reproduction i.pdf:application/pdf}, }
@inproceedings{kuehl_feedback_2021, title = {Feedback {Cancellation} for {IP}-based {Teleconferencing} {Systems}}, abstract = {In IP-based teleconferences disturbing howling artifacts might occur whenever multiple participants are in the same room using different communication devices. In this paper it is described how the feedback problem can be reformulated as a system identification task and what are the specifics compared to the classical field of feedback cancellation. The deployment of a Kalman filter based adaptation in the frequency domain is proposed due to its robustness against long phases of double talk and near-end single talk. In order to account for sudden changes in the network delay or in the feedback path a shadow filter system is additionally introduced. Simulation results confirm that the proposed system performs an effective feedback cancellation improving the communication quality significantly.}, booktitle = {Speech {Communication}; 14th {ITG} {Conference}}, author = {Kuehl, Stefan and Anemueller, Carlotta and Antweiler, Christiane and Heese, Florian and Vicinus, Patrick and Jax, Peter}, month = sep, year = {2021}, file = {IEEE Xplore Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\anm\\Zotero\\storage\\KKE8KGTG\\Kuehl et al. - 2021 - Feedback Cancellation for IP-based Teleconferencin.pdf:application/pdf}, }
@patent{liebich_active_2019, title = {Active suppression of occlusion effect in hearing aid}, url = {https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190215622A1/en}, nationality = {US}, assignee = {RWTH Aachen}, number = {US20190215622A1}, urldate = {2020-04-21}, author = {Liebich, Stefan and Anemüller, Carlotta and Rüschen, Daniel}, month = jul, year = {2019}, note = {Inventors: \_:n1087 Inventors: \_:n1087 Issue: US20190215622A1 Library Catalog: Google Patents}, keywords = {controller, function, secondary path, signal, transmission function}, file = {Fulltext PDF:C\:\\Users\\anm\\Zotero\\storage\\G9W8ZMNS\\Liebich et al. - 2019 - Active suppression of occlusion effect in hearing .pdf:application/pdf}, }
@patent{anemuller_reducing_2019, title = {Reducing acoustic feedback over variable-delay pathway}, url = {https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190356984A1/en}, nationality = {US}, assignee = {Logmein Inc}, number = {US20190356984A1}, urldate = {2020-04-21}, author = {Anemüller, Carlotta and Heese, Florian and Vicinus, Patrick}, month = nov, year = {2019}, note = {Inventors: \_:n1076 Inventors: \_:n1076 Issue: US20190356984A1 Library Catalog: Google Patents}, keywords = {audio signal, frequency, microphone, round, set}, file = {Fulltext PDF:C\:\\Users\\anm\\Zotero\\storage\\ATD3FXL8\\Anemüller et al. - 2019 - Reducing acoustic feedback over variable-delay pat.pdf:application/pdf}, }
@inproceedings{anemuller_calculation_2019, title = {Calculation of {Directivity} {Patterns} from {Spherical} {Microphone} {Array} {Recordings}}, url = {http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=20658}, abstract = {Taking into account the direction-dependent radiation of natural sound sources (such as musical instruments) can help to enhance auralization processing and thus improves the plausibility of simulated acoustical environments as, e.g., found in virtual reality (VR) systems. In order to quantify this direction-dependent behavior, usually so-called directivity patterns are used. This paper investigates two different methods that can be used to calculate directivity patterns from spherical...}, language = {English}, urldate = {2019-12-18}, booktitle = {Audio {Engineering} {Society} {Convention} 147}, publisher = {Audio Engineering Society}, author = {Anemüller, Carlotta and Herre, Jürgen}, month = oct, year = {2019}, file = {Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\anm\\Zotero\\storage\\JNCQ3UBW\\browse.html:text/html}, }
@inproceedings{kuhl_acoustic_2018, title = {Acoustic {Howling} {Detection} and {Suppression} for {IP}-{Based} {Teleconference} {Systems}}, booktitle = {Speech {Communication}; 13th {ITG}-{Symposium}}, author = {Kühl, Stefan and Anemüller, Carlotta and Antweiler, Christiane and Jax, Peter and Heese, Florian and Vicinus, Patrick}, month = oct, year = {2018}, file = {IEEE Xplore Abstract Record:C\:\\Users\\anm\\Zotero\\storage\\XFNN88D2\\8578041.html:text/html;IEEE Xplore Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\anm\\Zotero\\storage\\YLK8I3A3\\Kuehl et al. - 2018 - Acoustic Howling Detection and Suppression for IP-.pdf:application/pdf}, }
@inproceedings{liebich_active_2016, title = {Active {Noise} {Cancellation} in {Headphones} by {Digital} {Robust} {Feedback} {Control}}, doi = {10.1109/EUSIPCO.2016.7760567}, booktitle = {2016 24th {European} {Signal} {Processing} {Conference} ({EUSIPCO})}, author = {Liebich, Stefan and Anemüller, Carlotta and Vary, Peter and Jax, Peter and Rüschen, Daniel and Leonhardt, Steffen}, month = aug, year = {2016}, keywords = {headphones, Headphones, Frequency measurement, active noise control, Adaptive control, Attenuation, broadband noise reduction, closed loop sensitivity, closed loop systems, control theory, digital control, digital real time system, digital robust feedback control, discrete robust feedback control, discrete systems, error microphone, headphone active noise cancellation, mixed sensitivity H∞ synthesis, optimal control, optimisation, Optimization, optimization routines, robust control, secondary path uncertainties, Sensitivity, Uncertainty}, pages = {1843--1847}, }