Audio Processing Laboratory, Winter Term 2021/22
- Instructor: Prof. Dr. Nils Peters
- Organization: Lorenz Schmidt
- Format: Virtual Laboratory, in English
- Credits: 2.5 ECTS
- Location: Via Zoom. Link and access information for Zoom meetings via StudOn (see below).
- Dates: Introduction session: October 18 2021, 11:00
The objective of this lab course is to give students a hands on experience in audio processing. In particular, functions, transforms, and algorithms that are important for analyzing and processing audio signals are covered. The lab course is supervised by members of the AudioLabs team.
- Must have experience with Python and NumPy
- Solid mathematical background
- Good understanding of fundamentals in digital signal processing
- General background and personal interest in audio
Experience with the R Programming language is beneficial (beginners tutorial is provided in the course material).
This Audio Processing Laboratory is fully virtual. All participating students must have access to a computer equipped with:
Mandatory enrollment via:

Enrollment phase: Sep 27 2021 - Oct 3 2021.
The number of seats is limited! first come, first served.
- The Audio Processing Laboratory consists of one introduction session and five lab units
- Students work on each lab units remotely on their own schedule in groups of 2-3 students
- Questions can be asked via email and via the StudOn forum
- In the weeks of the lab units there are dedicated open question sessions on Mon 12:00 - 14:00
- Some homework exercises are due in written form on paper. These must be submitted on Tuesdays, 12:00 via StudOn (as scans or photographs)
- Student groups will be examined via video conferencing, including screen sharing. All solutions must be ready for the examination. These examinations will take place on Thursdays 12:00 - 16:00 and Fridays 10:00 - 14:00. Student groups will be assigned a slot among these times
Introduction session
Date: Monday, October 18 2021, at 11:00-13:00 via Zoom (link via StudOn)
- All prospective students must attend this session to be eligible for the following lab sessions
Lab 1: Short-Time Fourier Transform and Chroma Features
Supervisors: Sebastian Rosenzweig, Yigitcan Özer
Question session: 25.10.2021, Mon, 12:00 - 14:00
Homework submission: 26.10.2021, Tue, 12:00
Lab Exams:
- 28.10.2021, Thu, 12:00 - 16:00
- 29.10.2021, Fri, 10:00 - 14:00
Lab 2: Statistical Methods for Audio Experiments
Supervisors: Pablo Delgado, Martin Müller, Matteo Torcoli
Question session: 08.11.2021, Mon, 12:00 - 14:00
Homework submission: 09.11.2021, Tue, 12:00
Lab Exams:
- 11.11.2021, Thu, 12:00 - 16:00
- 12.11.2021, Fri, 10:00 - 14:00
Lab 3: Speech Analysis
Supervisors: Ning Guo, Martin Strauß
Question session: 22.11.2021, Mon, 12:00 - 14:00
Homework submission: 23.11.2021, Tue, 12:00
Lab Exams:
- 25.11.2021, Thu, 12:00 - 16:00
- 26.11.2021, Fri, 10:00 - 14:00
Lab 4: Convolution and Correlation for Real-time Audio Processing
Supervisors: Niklas Winter, Lorenz Schmidt
Question session: 06.12.2021, Mon, 12:00 - 14:00
Homework submission: 07.12.2021, Tue, 12:00
Lab Exams:
- 09.12.2021, Thu, 12:00 - 16:00
- 10.12.2021, Fri, 10:00 - 14:00
Lab 5: Speech Enhancement Using Microphone Arrays
Supervisors: Carlotta Anemüller, Kishor Lakshminarayana
Question session: 10.01.2022, Mon, 12:00 - 14:00
Homework submission: 11.01.2022, Tue, 12:00
Lab Exams:
- 13.01.2022, Thu, 12:00 - 16:00
- 14.01.2022, Fri, 10:00 - 14:00
Assessment criteria
- Individual points for each of the groups participants will be assigned by the lab examiners (Points: 0=no pass, 1=minimal pass, 2=pass, 3=excellent).
- To pass the course, all following criteria must be fulfilled:
- Must attend all units
- At least one point in all five programming units
- At least seven points in total
- Administrative links:
- Python programming links: